Dreaming of being a chef

For a long time I've dreamt of being a patissiere/baker/pastry chef, and lately I've been considering it more seriously. Of all the things I spend time doing, cooking and baking is perhaps my favorite. I lose myself in the kitchen and hours can pass while I'm happily dicing and sifting and I won't notice. It's also one of the rare times when my mind shuts off and I live in the moment. The constant monologue that churns through my brain is silenced and I focus on scrubbing potatoes or picking herbs from my window box. I'm not sure if cooking would retain its magic for me if it were my job, but I'd be willing to try it out. My summer job at a pie shop was one of my favorite jobs ever. So I'd like to do this Career Discovery: An Introduction to Professional Baking and Pastry run by the Culinary Institute of America in Napa Valley. Except that it costs $795 and I can't afford that. I'll stick to baking tarte tatins at home for the time being.