
In which this week gets off to the most craptacular start because the used-to-think-it-was-OK-but-now-think-it's-HORRID project management software I've been using deleted my entire project plan. Yes. The whole thing. All 117 items scheduled between now and the end of the month, wonderfully assigned, beautifully estimated, and all in some stage of % complete. If it weren't for this two-week old print-out on my desk, all would be beyond lost. All still feels lost. I can't face the prospect of re-entering hours of work. And who, I ask you, develops a use case in which the user says, "Yes, I know my trial is running out, please delete all my data."? And worse, a use case in which the user never even has to confirm her intention to delete her entire project database, and somehow is able to do this magic delete without ever seeing any dialog asking if she wants to delete the stupid database in the first place!